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Illegal Immigration-Hot Topic in the World

For immigration purposes Marriage fraud is a misleading Union where a man and a woman will get married for the sole purpose of one of them obtaining permanent resident status in the United States or other countries. Many people see this type of marriage as a trade agreement between two people. On behalf on Immigration Marriage Fraud Act 1986 was amended by the Immigration Act of 1990 to permanently ban the marriage of a citizen of the United States to a foreign citizen for immigration purposes. Some even try to obtain residence by pretending to go through a genuine marriage. A person those not a U.S. citizen or who tried to make a fraudulent marriage for immigration purposes will be deported and can never be prevented from obtaining citizenship in the country.

There seems no end to illegal immigration news available to people today. As illegal immigration has become a hot topic in the U.S., there is an increasing amount of attention to illegal immigration and what rights they may have or not. The most important item of news about illegal immigration is the issue of whether there should be a path to citizenship for those who have lived illegally in the country for a period of time. This would give illegal immigrants the right to the benefits that some people do not feel they should enjoy where they lived illegally. The debate continues to follow the news and continues to build.

Many people do not realize that the request for help through a waiver, visa and / or change of status that makes them much more readily available to the immigration authorities, and in some event, open to the deportation and / or exclusion. Imagine paying filing fees and go through a cumbersome process of several months of detention by frauds and placed in proceedings before the immigration court! As for the exclusion and deportation, depending on your specific situation, you may be in danger of being detained in a correctional institution or be expelled and barred from the United States for a period of three to twenty years.

For further more knowledge of this topic please click on Global Visas Fraud Department.

Nitin Sharma works as Online Marketer at a British Company. He loves to write articles about Global Visas Fraud and in this way he has submitted many articles over internet. He aware people about the increased fraud cases now days.