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How Millionaires Use The Law Of Attraction To Bring In Money

Everybody wants to be a millionaire. Or maybe not some guys won’t settle for less than a billion. Yet, there are other guys who sing I don’t want to be a millionaire and they mean it (though actually the members of the particular pop band ARE millionaires). But for the majority of people becoming a millionaire is a dream. Well, for some of them this dream come true, while others are not so lucky. But is lack of luck the only reason why so many potential would-be millionaires miss it?

No, it is not about luck and chance. Even losers get plenty of chances but they constantly miss them. Becoming a millionaire is more about motivation and the way of thinking. If you WANT to be a millionaire, you need the right mindset. You need to have the so called millionaire mind. If you have the right attitude, desire and ambition, becoming a millionaire is not that difficult. In some sense, being a millionaire is getting devaluated because of the growing number of millionaires in the world.

It is interesting to examine how millionaires have become that rich. Let’s concentrate on self-made millionaires, not on people who inherited (and later lost) their wealth or on scam artists who manage to get rich by robbing other people. There are many successful people who have become millionaires because they knowingly or subconsciously used the Law of Attraction to earn money.

One of the qualities self-made millionaires have in common is that they believe in their ability to create their life. Another common feature is that they all want to be rich, though the reasons for this desire are various from just having money to secure abundance, to having money as a way of being independent, to having money as a means to help others. Besides, millionaires are committed to being rich. They not only think of how to increase their wealth (i.e. attract more abundance) but they manifest their desires in action to achieve their goal. And as you know, manifestation of desires and turning them into action is a basic postulate of the law of attraction.

Another technique of the law of attraction, which is employed by millionaires, is that they are optimistic. Yes, you can say that it is easy to be optimistic, when your pockets are filled with cash but you can be sure that even millionaires have their problems and most often these problems are much more serious than having to find $500 to pay one’s bills. It is the millionaire’s approach to problems that distinguishes them. Of course, it is stretching the truth to say that millionaires do not have negative thoughts and emotions like fear, envy or hatred and that these thoughts and emotions do not create negative vibes but it is certain that millionaires apply more efficiently in the practice the law of attraction.

One of the most often quoted examples of millionaires who use the law of attraction are Donald Trump and Jim Carrey. Well, maybe Donald Trump is lagging a bit in the negative emotions department but his positive thinking and the way it is manifested have brought him considerable amounts of money. Jim Carrey and his pre-fame saga are a typical example of how to be successful using the Law of Attraction.

Jim Carrey was a struggling actor, who was constantly under stress and was having lots of bad vibes. One day he had the brilliant idea to issue himself a ten million dollar check. He did it just for fun and the check was issued on an ordinary piece of paper, which he put in his pocket. He looked frequently at the piece of paper and imagined himself being an A list movie star, whose name and picture are in all newspapers and TV stations and who has millions of fanatic fans. As we all know, his dreams really came true. Fame and fortune were attracted by his constant thoughts and by their visualization. And so, Jim Carrey’s efforts and talent were awarded by the Universe.