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Theft and Shoplifting Penalties from a San Antonio Texas Criminal Lawyer

Under San Antonio/Texas law, a theft crime is classified as a crime in which a person -unlawfully appropriates property with intent to deprive the owner of property.- This is unlawful if it is done without the owner’s consent. In simpler terms, theft is the act of stealing property from a person or a store, writing a check that bounced, or accepting stolen goods. If you have been charged with theft or shoplifting in San Antonio, Texas, a criminal defense attorney can be of assistance.

Theft is considered a moral crime which can result in jail time and a heavy fine. Additionally, a conviction can carry severe consequences that can follow you for the rest of your life. An employer may be reluctant to hire a person that has been convicted of theft and shoplifting because of the implication that the person cannot be trusted.

Criminal theft classifications can range from a Class C misdemeanor to a felony dependent upon the value of the property involved. If the stolen property is less than $50, the crime is classified as a Class C misdemeanor. The penalty for Class C theft is a fine up to $500 and no jail time is possible. Regardless of the simple fine, a theft/shoplifting conviction in San Antonio, Texas will leave you with a criminal record and negatively affect your future. A San Antonio theft defense attorney can help keep these charges from appearing as convictions on your permanent criminal record.

If the value of the stolen property is more than $50 but less than $500, the theft is classified as a Class B misdemeanor. This type of theft is punishable by up to 180 days in jail and a fine of up to $2,000. An attorney can often-times get these charges reduced or dismissed completely.

For theft or shoplifting of property valued at $500 or more, the crime is classified as a Class A misdemeanor. Class A theft is punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $4,000. For Class A theft, it is very important to hire a San Antonio theft attorney to defend you against the serious charges.

If you have been charged with theft, it is possible to get your penalties and fines reduced or dismissed based on legal know-how and circumstantial evidence, or lack thereof. A San Antonio defense attorney experienced in handling theft and shoplifting cases in Texas courts can be a great source of information and legal protection.

San Antonio criminal defense lawyer has been practicing law for 27 years and has experience working with theft and shoplifting cases in Texas Courts. If you have been charged with theft or shoplifting in San Antonio, a lawyer may be able to help you minimize the Texas theft penalties.