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Surety law group supports during hard time

During these hard times with recession, lay offs and retrenchment burdened with a mortgage loan and a family to support, life is not a rosy picture to paint and it is tough going and thorns all the way. It all began when I thought I had lost everything when I lost my job, my sole means to support my family. Then I also began to lose my home. It was a painful and excruciating experience to go through these times. I attempted in vain to get help from my lender and work on modifying my loan, trusting that my lender had my best interest in mind. Unfortunately, it was a bitter experience. I had been working closely with them and providing all documents requested and was made to run pillar to post. Surprisingly, the person to whom I was assigned had comfortably forgotten me and it has been a frustrating whole year. To make matters worse my lender had even stopped accepting my payments and was trying to drag me into foreclosure court.

I had approached many Companies and Third Parties as I listened to the advertisements and it was just as bad. Thoroughly demoralized, I honestly was reluctant to place faith in these companies as it was a shattering experience. The good and bad story failed to infuse the confidence in me to approach them and was fighting a lone battle desperately.

It was at this juncture of life when everything was in doldrums and I had given up hope that I got a letter from Surety saying that they could possibly help. Not only did the step in and help me fight the foreclosure, they actually got a loan modification for me. Surety Law Group has been a pleasure to work with. To cut a long story short, I decided to take a chance with you guys, after receiving a few mailers and advertisements from different companies and law firms, I talked to a few places but felt best with the service provided by your representatives and gambled. I was walked through the entire process thoroughly and knew there was work to be done but felt good that I was not left to do it alone. A few months later after working with your firm I am now able to stay in my home and take care of my family. Thank you Surety Law Group for turning around a -hopeless situation- to a happy ending they lived happily ever after-.

I just want to say big thanks and express my sincere gratitude to Surety Law Group and the world of difference they made. It was a timely help which not only helped me save my family but also the near and dear ones and people closely associated with me. They have been guardian angels who came to my rescue at the hour of need just like Man Friday who helped the ship wrecked Robinson Crusoe marooned in an island In the ultimate analysis I found that Surety Law Group where thoroughly professional in their approach. They were systematic, methodical and helped in resolving the crisis by offering the right solution. More importantly, their empathy and support in the whole process makes them clearly a preferred solution provider.

The Stewarts

To get online support from Surety law group feel free to visit their official website: http://www.suretylawgroup.com/