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Personal Injury Claim Plus A No Win No Fee Solicitor Plus A Recession Equals

A considerable swelling in the ranks of people who are now ready to fake personal injury claims to improve their income.

There is an increase in people making exaggerated or even false personal injury claims through the no win no fee system, is now a widely held belief amongst eighty nine percent of solicitors today, according to research results from LV.

Overstating injuries has been on the rise for the past 10 years say almost sixty percent of the solicitors involved, with almost half stating they have witnessed a surge in false claimants since the start of the recession.

Amongst the solicitors who have worked on suspect personal injury claims, over half say the claims are most likely to involve a car accident, with whiplash the most regularly exaggerated injury with post traumatic stress being the next most commonly falsified injury which is then followed by strained muscles.

The LV investigation established that sixty three percent of the legal professionals believe that television advertising of these kinds of services is one of the key factors for the increase in false personal injury claims, they also believe that those involved do perceive it as an easy way to make money.

Also according to the LV research, six out of ten lawyers now pore over possible clients stories very closely before deciding whether to take on a case.

One law business who specialise in fraudulent personal injury cases confirms what LV is saying is exactly what they themselves are experiencing, with their own investigation department stating that some forms of fraud are spiralling out of control.

If you are under the mistaken belief that personal injury claims fraud only affects the insurance companies then you are forgetting it is the ordinary citizen who has to make up the difference and LV have stated that this cost is 100 pounds per year and that figure is simply for car insurance.

The technical claims director at LV, Martin Milliner states that authentic cases are definitely a cause for compensation but reiterates that those drivers who choose to falsify or overstate injuries are in fact committing a crime and should be sought out by means of vigorous investigation carried out by the solicitors.